Tuesday, January 10, 2012

not but good

I am not feeling the thrill of being back at work after my vacation. I think it may have something to do with my hours suddenly being restricted (you mean I can't just walk to breakfast and take a leisurely day reading my book and wading in the water on a perfect white sand beach!?). It may also be that vacation triggers my creative mind to bubble with ideas, my life comes into focus, and I have this feeling there are other things that need doing.

I suppose I can still fit work into my schedule, but I'll need to rearrange a few things at home and get my fingers busy working on something beautiful. There are dresses that need designing, projects that need creating, and thank you cards that need writing for all of the wonderful gifts I received over the holidays.

I (this entire post is about me, I hope you don't mind) feel very special for all kinds of reasons. One of which is waking up to someone who says (while practically still asleep) "You are beautiful and amazing and I love you."

Today may not be the best work day ever, but my day got off to a perfect start. Although I groan and grumble, it's not so bad (and really it's pretty good).

Photos via my new luxury item, on a street somewhere in Puerto Rico.


  1. You are all of those things and I am glad you have found someone that reminds you often ;) I miss you and Adam!
