Friday, April 1, 2011

glitterize it

April Fool's Day never ceases to be entertaining.

Each year I realize I should really come up with a fun prank, and the night before April 1st, I scheme and brood about what that fun will be. It is typically directed at my beau who is lucky that it's never sinister. Every once in a while it's really good, most of the time it's mediocre. And every once in a while someone else gets me, and gets me good.

Let me elucidate:
I was invited to a Girls' Night (with a group of great, interesting, fun, and talented women) where they would be Vajazzling their, um, vajingos at one of the women's homes. Someone offered to bring hygienic cleaning supplies, while another offered to bring feathers and sparkly crystals. We were encouraged to prepare with Brazilians.
If you've never heard the term "vajazzling," I invite you to imagine it on your own or do some research, for I shall not be going into detail (although it is a little tempting, I must admit).

Suffice it to say, I blushed a little bit, replied "no, thank you" to the invitation and was a little shocked at the thought of it. Maybe it's something I'd try sometime, alone, at a spa with a stranger who's job it is to glitterize special bits and bobs. It's not likely. Even less likely is joining a group of women I don't know well for an activity that just seeing in print makes me blush.

It has become quite popular in Hollywood circles (apparently, or so they say) but I'm okay with not being that stylish. And while I do love sparkles, I am of the mind that some things don't need that sort of embellishment.

Or do they?

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