Friday, March 9, 2012


My recent investment of time, energy, and attention is CrossFit. You may have heard about it from someone oddly excited about it. Maybe you've never heard about it, but the words Cross and Fit seem familiar. No worries, I'll fill you in.

CrossFit is "constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity.... CrossFit contends that a person is as fit as they are proficient in each of ten general skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination and accuracy." I got that from wikipedia.

What is CrossFit to me? 3 times a week of fun, intense, upbeat workout followed by a feeling of total exhaustion yet at the same time super charged and pretty darn proud of myself.

I'm not in terrible shape, but I haven't felt really great/svelte/lithe/fit in a while and this feels pretty fantastic. I'm not even there yet, I just feel like I'm on my way.

There's nothing like having a friend who's been doing CrossFit for six months with fabulous results to inspire you to give it a try. Last night I did 120 full sit ups even tapping the floor in front of my feet after each one. Sadly this wore the skin off my tail bone but I didn't notice until showering was painful. Oddly enough, it just made me feel tough and inspired.

I'm learning pull ups and all sorts of funny-sounding moves like Burpees, Inch Worms, and Clean Press something-or-others. I'm only three weeks in, but I can tell I'm gonna like it.

1 comment:

  1. Send me the details on where you are doing it? I would love to try it ;)
