Wednesday, August 3, 2011

brain eat brain

I read an article about how our brain cells start eating themselves when they're undernourished and overworked. They also start eating themselves when they're over-nourished and underworked, or rather over fed. For instance when a person has Type 2 diabetes.
Seems like finding the middle ground is more important than we thought: be healthy, eat and play. Or your brain will eat itself.

It's a curious thing this cannibalistic behavior. Every once in a while a story comes out about some guy who wanted to eat a person, and found another guy who wanted to be eaten. Then there are the wild tribes of yore (long ago and far away) who ate outsiders and other enemy tribes. I'm sure it tastes like chicken, but my thinking on the matter is, "ew."

Why? We humans are pretty much known for eating all manner of creature, big, small, bug, and cricket (crunchy, slimy, salted and grilled). Apparently the appetite for human flesh (typing those words actually made my skin crawl a little bit) really is taboo. So much so that it pretty much never happens. Ever.

Which I'm pretty happy about.

PS 'Mountain of the Cannibal Gods' was the least disturbing image that came up when I googled "Cannibal." I don't recommend it (the web search, I haven't actually seen the movie). And I'm a little afraid of the consequences if the authorities should ever decide to check my search history: lady bugs, glitter, fairies, design, fashion, and cannibal. It won't look good.


  1. My kinda' movie! Where's the popcorn?

  2. I told my son this and now he says, "MOM! I NEED FOOD! My brain is EATING itself!"

  3. That makes me giggle. It's definitely one way to get a kid to eat his lima beans: eat these lima beans or your brain will eat itself.
