Wednesday, September 21, 2011

gettin' crafty

I feel full of all kinds of exciting, inspired thought. It's as if I've been sleeping (or at least that my creative spark has been taking a very long nap) and suddenly it fills me up and my brain is filled with excitement for projects and creation and Doing-ness.

There's nothing like a sister's wedding to fan the flames. It's months and months of delight, when someone else is the bride and all you have to do is play with ideas and share blogs and photography sites to help her stay inspired. I love it when I don't have to feel the stress of something like planning a big event.

On the other hand, I constantly plan big events in my head, and wouldn't it be nice to plan them out loud for real? Like for weddings? For special people celebrating special things?

A couple of my favorite sources of inspiration:

Monday, September 12, 2011

cup vs bowl

There is a reason one doesn't eat soup out of a cup or a narrow-mouth jar. It's not a soup bowl.

And it gets soup all over one's chin.

It is easy to reheat this way, though, and I do enjoy the sound of a proper spoon against the glass. It masks the sound of my slurping (when the soup is really delicious or extra hot).

take your soup to work in a jar. and get soup on your chin.


My ears are filled with a random music mix which is pretty great. Not amazing. Not "Oh-my-god-I-love-this-song" great, but pretty okay. I'm listening to it because I've been missing music lately and hunting through old CD's (yes, I still have lots and lots and I refuse to give them up regardless of how fancy my personal luxury item is). I also watched the movie 'Contagion' last night and I really, really liked the score.

Lately I've been hearing so very many remakes. I'm sure it's fun to take someone else's ideas and re-create them. Should you get an award for re-mixing someone else's composition?

I had begun to wonder if we've passed the point of no return. Have we a population that can no longer create new sounds? Is music on a downward spiral along with the changing climate?
I hope not. I am one of those people who is brought to tears by the beauty of groups of people singing together. I don't even have to understand the words. Live music, up close, is my favorite and oddly enough I've hardly taken time to enjoy it for a couple of years, now.
Why? Perhaps I needed this long stretch of time to realize just how much I miss it.

My faith in the musical ingenuity of humanity was restored thanks to Cliff Martinez' beautiful, haunting, creepy, lovely, thrilling score in 'Contagion'. It's like nothing I've heard before. It's new and creative and it gets you where the script doesn't (or can't). I am not wholeheartedly endorsing this movie for the plot line; I recommend it for the sound.

So, thanks, musical wonders of the world. There is hope for us, yet.