My ears are filled with a random music mix which is pretty great. Not amazing. Not "Oh-my-god-I-love-this-song" great, but pretty okay. I'm listening to it because I've been missing music lately and hunting through old CD's (yes, I still have lots and lots and I refuse to give them up regardless of how fancy my personal luxury item is). I also watched the movie '
Contagion' last night and I really, really liked the score.
Lately I've been hearing so very many remakes. I'm sure it's fun to take someone else's ideas and re-create them. Should you get an award for re-mixing someone else's composition?
I had begun to wonder if we've passed the point of no return. Have we a population that can no longer create new sounds? Is music on a downward spiral along with the changing climate?
I hope not. I am one of those people who is brought to tears by the beauty of groups of people singing together. I don't even have to understand the words. Live music, up close, is my favorite and oddly enough I've hardly taken time to enjoy it for a couple of years, now.
Why? Perhaps I needed this long stretch of time to realize just how much I miss it.
My faith in the musical ingenuity of humanity was restored thanks to Cliff Martinez' beautiful, haunting, creepy, lovely, thrilling score in '
Contagion'. It's like nothing I've heard before. It's new and creative and it gets you where the script doesn't (or can't). I am not wholeheartedly endorsing this movie for the plot line; I recommend it for the
So, thanks, musical wonders of the world. There is hope for us, yet.